TLC Prayer Guide

Pray for yourself in preparation for worship on Sunday (James 4:6-10). Use this as a time of confession, seeking God, and worship to be prepared to worship corporately on Sunday.

Pray for other people in the church (Ephesians 6:18).
Pray for other people in the church as God brings them to mind. Or, a practical way to do this is to pray for the people in your small group, our elders (Jimmy, Rusty, Roger, Preston), staff (Phillip, Britton, Jessica, LeAnn, Andi, John, Jacob, Abbey, Lori, Veronica and Samuel) and other leaders.

Pray for missions and for us to multiply as a church (Matthew 9:35-38).

  • Pray for the people at True Life who believe they are called into full time ministry. Pray for their growth, preparation, protection, and fruitfulness.
  • Pray for missionaries around the world, including our Southern Baptist Convention missionaries.
  • Pray for our church plants, locally, which are King’s Corner Church and Children of Christ Church.
  • Pray for the leaders, churches, missions, training centers, Boys and Girls Clubs, and other ministries in Honduras.
  • Pray for the leaders, churches, training centers, and other ministries in Uganda and for the people we are partnering with there.
  • Pray for the missionaries we work with in Asia to be encouraged, diligent, and fruitful in their work.
  • Pray that people around the world will come to know Christ and those that we work with that do know Him will be empowered/equipped to reach their communities with the gospel.

Pray for people you know who are not Christians to be saved (Romans 10:1).
Who’s your One? We would encourage you to have a list of people you are praying for regularly for salvation.

Pray for those who are sick or hurting because of grief or trials they are going through (James 5:14-17, 2 Corinthians 1:8-11).

Pray for our community, state, and nation. Pray for our leaders (1 Timothy 2:1-7).


  • Pray for the ministries of the church (Colossians 4:12).
  • Pray for Pastor Jimmy as he preaches
  • Pray for us to worship God in spirit and truth and for the fruitfulness of the proclamation of the gospel in our services on Sundays.
  • Pray for the next generation (our children’s and youth ministries)