KidsLife Nursery
KidsLife Preschool
Ages 2 – Kindergarten
Preschoolers love to learn. That’s why we have created colorful classrooms with many interactive learning opportunities. From exciting story-telling to media driven Bible teaching, we offer different activities for children with different learning styles. Classes for two and three year old’s opens 10 minutes prior to each service. 4 and 5 year olds will have a time of worship in the Kid’s R.O.C.K. classroom. Please inform the teacher of any allergies or special dietary needs. If you need to bring a specially prepared snack, please label the container. Please bring extra diapers and a change of clothes. Cups and pacifiers should also be labeled. If your child is being potty trained, please communicate this with the teacher. In all our preschool classes we plan our teaching around these three points:
- God loves me.
- God made me.
- Jesus wants to be my friend forever.
Kids R.O.C.K.
(Reaching Others for Christ’s Kingdom)
Kids will go straight to their classroom for a time of worship. Each week we plan high energy activities along with strong biblical teaching for boys and girls. Fun games, great music for kids, video lessons, and skits help capture their attention so that we can share Jesus with them. KIDS R.O.C.K. offers creative and engaging learning activities that are designed just for them. True Life is a place for kids! We want to partner with parents in building a strong spiritual foundation that will one day lead them to make a personal decision to follow Jesus forever. Our greatest desire is to show them that following Jesus is the best decision they could ever make!
Club 56
In Club 56 we are trying to bridge the gap between Kid’s Ministry and Youth Group. We want to help students start asking questions and getting answers for their faith. We have partnered with Answers in Genesis and have been walking through each section of the Bible showing the context of the history and how it relates to Jesus and the Gospel. Each week we try to make practical application to our lives based off of what we see happening in each Bible passage. Club 56 builds a foundation for the rest of the student’s time in Youth to build upon

Important Information for Parents
Please Come Early
Plan to arrive about 15 minutes early so you will have time to register your child/children prior to the service. A volunteer will help you find their classroom. You and your child will receive matching security ID’s for their protection. Only the parent with the matching card or wristband will be allowed to pick up the child from their room. If a child needs a parent, we will display your number on the screen in the worship center.
Wellness Policy
For the protection of all our children, please do not bring a child to class if they exhibit any of the following:
- Fever in the last 24 hours
- Vomiting or diarrhea in the last 24 hours
- Common cold (onset through one week)
- Any unexplained rash
- Cloudy or green runny nose
- Pink eye or other eye infections
- Persistent cough
- Any communicable disease
- Any symptoms of common childhood diseases, such as chicken pox, strep throat, etc.
We look forward to having your children with us at True Life. You can contact us with any questions you may have.
We value the safety of your children, All of our children’s ministry volunteers have completed screening and background checks.