Recently Pastor Jimmy shared his 20 Year Dream for True Life, and we want to share it with you:
My Dream For True Life For The Next Twenty Years Is:
- That thousands of people will be saved, growing in Christ, and their lives transformed through this local church, our church plants, and mission work.
- That in 20 years we will have 1000 people in average attendance and be a multi-cultural church that is full of love for each other and our community.
- That we would have expanded our building to accommodate this growth and be debt-free.
- That we will have 80+% of our church in small groups which would mean that we would have over 100 groups meeting around the Lakeway area with people growing in Christ and sharing life together.
- That we would have planted a church in Dandridge and possibly other places in our local area.
- That we will be serving our community through recovery ministry, meeting practical needs, and providing a counseling center where people can experience biblical, Christ-centered help with their struggles.
- That our people are making a Christ-centered impact in every sphere of life and that dozens of people have been sent out into full-time vocational ministry.
- That we have hundreds of healthy, godly families who are raising children to follow Jesus, and we are partnering with them with exceptional children’s and student ministries in order to produce multiple generations of people living for Jesus.
- That King’s Corner has been used by God to transform the South Cumberland area of Morristown and is planting churches in other communities with similar needs.
- That Children of Christ is thriving in Morristown and has been used by God to start other Micronesian churches in the United States and a church on their home island.
- That the training centers that began in Honduras have spread to every country in Central America and are bearing fruit in the development of leaders who lead biblical churches, plant churches, and the transformation of churches with unsound doctrine.
- That our partnership in Uganda will have trained hundreds of pastors/church planters and resulted in a church planting movement that has made tens of thousands of disciples of Jesus, including many Muslims. That we would see churches established among the Aringa people group in Northern Uganda (650,000 people- less than 2% Christian) and locals reaching their own communities there with the gospel.
- That there would be currently unreached people groups around the world that are no longer unreached and now reaching others because of our mission work.